can not walk through the halls and visit the buildings of the huge campus of the Universidad del Valle, in a very nice neighborhood in southern Cali, or by the seat of San Fernando , built in the west of the capital of Valle del Cauca, or any of the eight regional offices of the third university in Colombia. You can not do for basic safety reasons: an act of vandalism, harassment or just a shame, as I have had previous governing this alma mater and others like National University. And is the chancellor de la Universidad del Valle, una institución con 31 mil estudiantes matriculados. Quizás una muy buena muestra de una tesis en lo absoluto novedosa: a las universidades públicas no las aflige solamente problemas presupuestarios, sino un problema de gobernabilidad sensible y evidente.
Es habitual que existan diferencias entre los planes del Gobierno y los grupos involucrados, como con la reforma a la Ley 30 propuesta en días anteriores, o con iniciativas de la administración autónoma de las universidades del sistema estatal de educación superior, como es el caso en la Universidad del Valle y tantas otras; como es habitual que esas diferencias se surtan por las vías indeed. A call for rebellion is a student assembly at its best: preventing the normal academic, because the student leaders as contrary to democratic participation , building block, impede the free movement of teachers and administrative staff and impose a sort of Third Estate declared disobedience. Most extreme scenes is when they threaten or intimidate teachers at a time, students and people usually masked, they see their security at risk.
What is behind these demonstrations?, A desire students legitimate part of the discussions that they are responsible. It is the rule of democracy: participation of its citizens. Yet democracy provides a number of mechanisms that allow the simplification of social choice, through collegiate bodies and representivity. Here's why: Suppose that there are three voters and three options, represented by A, B and C. Suppose the voter 1 prefers A to B and B to C, the voter 2 prefers C to A and A to B and, finally, the voter 3 prefers B to C and C to A. Suppose that between A and B, 1 and 2 voters vote for A, so to win this option. Then take both A and C: voters 2 and 3 prefer C to A, so win C. According to Stiglitz in his famous manual of public economics, social choice C is, apparently, what happens then?, Confront a C and B and found that both the voter 1 and 3 prefer B to C. Now is also preferred B to C. If B beats C and C beats A, how to defeat a B?, This "paradox of voting suggests that there is a permanent cycle in the vote, a clear setback in social choice.
There have only 3 voters, but each decision could bring as many combinations as there are individual preferences and thus will be unlikely to reach agreement reflecting the group preferences, imagine that in 30 000 or 1 million potential voters. So, the mechanisms of government have sought to simplify the representation through the process. Hence the argument closed most radical groups of the student movement, which has captured the debate in large universities, to promote false democracy , such as requiring the democratic election of deans and rectors, borders on the realm of the absurd . Absurd for the simple theoretical argument I gave above and because, above all, is not known that the university is a center for science and knowledge and not a political institution.
student assemblies are not deliberative scenarios are spaces that imposes more emotion and passion rooted in the ideological field. If a university president can not walk through the corridors of their buildings and walk their gardens, there is a problem indeed. If public universities are impregnable drug outlets, the infiltration of crime which causes the modes of student lobbyists are more like criminal gangs, if a group of students takes refuge in lighter-like arguments that street vendors " feed "to the university community to justify their presence on campus, it is likely that the financial problem will now gather a governance problem.
In the name of university autonomy should promote science, innovation, professional and personal qualities of students and alumni, but under no circumstances be an excuse to legitimize the illegal, the foolishness and insolent. The proposed amendment to the Law 30, for example, promoted by President Santos, is an opportunity for healthy exercise of debate and exchange of ideas. But if the attitude of the student movement is still marked by the radical and violent extremism, what will it will trash a chance of inclusion in this debate. And once again, due to the passivity of some and the excessive violence of others, students in Colombia will be heard, but their needs are ignored.
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