Web Circle a history that shows a highway in Naka, Japan, which was partially destroyed by the earthquake on 11 March, ranked the fourth most powerful since it measures the intensity of activities seismic. However the news is not that the highway has been destroyed: the news is that in six days was repaired and put into service. Simultaneously in another network was about one message, referring to the repatriation of 139 Colombians living in Japan, suggested that instead of bringing the Colombians in question would have brought 50 Japanese and nationalized.
And it feels in the West, and especially in Latin America, an uncontrollable rage on what we call the Japanese crisis without having actually sought to objectively analyze what this crisis means for stakeholders involved: the Japanese. And that is the paranoia of Latinos living in the empire of the rising sun contrasts with the passivity and serenity of these Eastern to face what undoubtedly was a disaster that have happened in Central America we would be doomed to the largest humanitarian crisis modern history. While a single death is regrettable, it should be 15 000 more, but when contrasted to the light of the number of inhabitants of a major world economic powers, it is discovered that the fiercest natural phenomenon of recent years "just "gained 0.001% of the total population of the archipelago. In the worst left 1.5 million homeless people, which which is only 1% of Japanese.
Although my figures are estimates arbitrary, I can assure the reader not to turn away from reality. The tragedy that we have been told in the voices of U.S. and Latin American journalists, rather susceptible to the sale of tragedies that generate returns insured, we suggest that life in Japan after the earthquake is the closest thing to hell. Even the stories of Latinos living in Japanese cities are assuming that 130 million people are at a point of no return, a sort of " off and get out" that contrasts with some citizens resumed their activities soon daily, with caution, some fear and some difficulties, of course, but that is far removed from the apocalyptic scenario Western media.
analysis And let light and attached to history: how many dead left the nuclear attack on Japan in World War II, how many deaths occurred in the fall of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 radiation product?, with the crisis in the Fukushima plant became widespread panic about the safety of nuclear installations in the entire planet, was conceived a wrong idea of \u200b\u200ban imminent threat to humanity for adverse outcomes in this power plant affected by the earthquake and further believes that after that Japan will succumb.
I do not deny that the disaster affected the soul to 130 million Japanese. But I deny that Japan around a few years has not been rebuilt, its productive structures are not running again and one of the most advanced societies of the world is not back into their routines, as they have done before, during and after World War I and so many tragedies that this eastern empire suffered and paid the consequences difficult to calculate, Japan paid more by war than by the succession of earthquakes that frequently asota. Maybe Japan is not the economy that was in 1990, such as a shadow (of China, may be) is covering the brightness of an island that has not stopped or fail to be prosperous. But the truth is that this nation after this tragedy has left us very different lessons to a handful of journalists who want to submit, because this is not the end of time. Have died in terrorist attacks in Iraq that divine fury that some say is behind the earthquake in Japan.
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