Thursday, February 24, 2011

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strategic Subject

Dur two centuries before the discussion about the size of government has dealt with almost obsessive way economists West. Since the publication of The Wealth of Nations Smith in the late eighteenth century, became a priority a desire to promote a free economy based on private initiative, best tool to optimize the allocation of resources. Thus early liberal economic theory postulates a small government, with limited duties that are not different things to those public goods that the private sector is not willing to provide in the market. Hence, if the State governments extends beyond the administration of justice, national defense and public job creation unproductive but necessary functions are overreaching and beyond what is required.

In the same way as did the economic crisis of the 30's and the subsequent formulation of New Deal, as an expression materialized Keynesian economic model, the State accumulated other functions well beyond rational limit accepted by the economic doctrine that ruled politics for over a century. A small State was necessarily an efficient, it was believed, as he gave the market a unique ability to efficiently allocate the resources necessary for the welfare of the inhabitants of a country. After of the crisis, which left 25% of the global workforce unemployed, the state took over functions of social security, health, education, public investment in infrastructure and a configuration similar to that of the "welfare state" that prevails to this day large number of countries.

promoting liberal principles, then, leaning on a small state that values \u200b\u200bindividual freedom expressed through free enterprise is the supreme value justifying any kind of constitutional reforms to give coherence to State this principle. However, the major point of analysis that may distort The aim of the discussion was to have been taken as an indicator of the size of the state share of resources that the nation goes to maintenance, in other words, the ratio of public spending and GDP. So, a phenomenon as the economic crisis can lead to spending 12% of GDP, in the case of industrialized nations, 30% after the war and the devastating effects of the Great Depression, as it happened in the UK.

So the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe configuration of the state was closely linked to spending and not the government of the strategic issues state that after the crisis were best recognized. It is not wise to move away from the impact of public spending in economies such as the recent crises have shown public debt in Europe, but it is prudent based on the notion of state as the state little more lenient with economic efficiency. It is likely that when the analysis focuses on the sector executive in charge of economic management disastrous mistakes, such as underestimating the set of legislative or judicial bodies.

So it appears another notion: the topic can not be reduced to a simple question of size and magnitudes, but the important thing is the role of the state against the economic and social problems and ways of interaction between state and society. In other words, while public spending is a good indicator of whether the state is larger than what is socially necessary, is not to know if the public sector is good or not their task. It is likely that, as in Chile, with fewer resources, the Government will achieve better economic performance, while countries with excessive spending, such as Venezuela, would have cost a deadweight loss and discrete social outcomes. On the other hand, Colombia sought to reduce public spending but did not get the results Expected deficit increased and there is no evidence that the performance of the Colombian economy had any connection with the reform of the state early in 2002. So although the first example is consistent with the economic orthodoxy in the second case it is not so, or how to explain from the perspective of small government that despite the reform of central government deficit has continued to rise?

is important that in reforming the state would not assume that this suffers from a congenital natural inability to promote development or be associated with 'reform' with 'reduction', in that case it is prudent to define what strategic issues the state must be strong. Hence the need for the project underway in the Congress that gives extraordinary powers to the Colombian government to reform the state.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Reflection in times of crisis

MELÉNDEZ UNIVERSITY CITY, CALI-if governments show their mettle in times of crisis, companies in these periods of unrest and difficulty are called to think depth of the problem, as called in organizations converged improvement opportunities . In the era of productivity when economies today are looked down up, think for a moment what it implies in the unemployment fund of the charge carrier in Colombia, which collapsed yesterday most important gateway to the west of Bogota. It also allows me to think of the country's vulnerability: Just a small insurrection, as in a busy commercial sector of the Colombian capital where a few vandals blocked the flow of thousands of people in the TransMilenio system, or a large as blocking roads with trucks, to disrupt an entire country.

Basically, the situation of truck is more than a legitimate exercise of the right to protest and a rupture between government and civil society sector. And be thorough in the analysis, appears on the scene a number of empirical evidence presented dramatically the context in which the crisis unfolds. Because you have to write it down, the table of rates is a tool obsolete and anti-technique that prevents the transport of goods moving in the boundaries of the regulated and free market forces to charge stiff tariffs on freight mobility, land transport In Colombia, the law of supply and demand does not exist.

The issue is not being fundamentalist market. The issue is deeper still: the Colombian economy, one of the largest in Latin America is relatively closed. Ie if you look comparatively small economies like Chile or Peru, Colombia looks set to be a closed economy without sufficient international openness and access to foreign markets is very limited. But the limitations are outside and inside. Colombian goods are expensive by the fact that, according to IDB, the transport of goods in Colombia is the second most expensive in Latin America and that is a strong barrier to entry in foreign markets.

But the lack of economic openness combined with the low competitiveness of Colombian firms export and international trade complementary services-such as to roads, ports and logistics transport, could define much of the worrying situation of unemployment in Colombia, to mention a related case. It is plausible that improvements in competitiveness, one in the liberalization of freight prices, exports will grow and in this way will create jobs. If the drop in tariffs was estimated export growth of 10%, how much could grow if you reduce transportation costs, for example?

Here's another analysis, now the World Bank: if a commodity out of Bogota to a U.S. port, the cost of assuming the Colombian economy is $ 2079 per tonne. Meanwhile, a product that comes from Cali only generate an additional cost of $ 660 per tonne, which is undesirable anyway. This situation should concern especially if Bogotá contributes 30% of Colombian GDP.

In conclusion, what is relevant to the transport strike crisis goes beyond the simple argument with a guild that is accustomed to working under the implicit demands of the economy in Colombia: this crisis is a call for modernization. Colombia today depends to a very significant majority of inland road, a costly and inefficient service by the low quality of work provided by the carriers, coupled with the lack highway, in the absence of railways, inland waterways and airports very discreet presence to handle foreign trade flows. It is time and time for reflection. It was never easy to do, but if Colombia is holding back to basics, word of Mr. Caballero Argaez hardly the ambitious goals of the rulers will be a flattering dream that extol the history books. And our roads remain blocked.

Friday, February 11, 2011

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The Peruvian economy has mining as its main activity. The encouraging results of mineral exports in 2010 which had an increase of 56%, the watchful eyes of the world market in our natural wealth and openness of the State on foreign investment are indicative of favorable environment for companies mining in the country .
Given this challenging scenario, managers, executives and professionals in the mining sector are the need and obligation to update their knowledge and improve their tools. Cost management is the competitive strategy that offers greater security to mining companies because the costs are a controllable factor in achieving positive outcomes.
therefore School of Management and Economics GERENS has developed the Comprehensive Specialists Non COSTS, FINANCE AND VALUE CREATION FOR MINING , that seeks to strengthen the skills of professionals and executives in the mining sector to enhance its contribution to the creation of economic value in the companies where they work.
the end of the program the participant will have an overview of economic performance - a company's financial, from the mining process modeling. Also complement their education with the acquisition of knowledge and application tools inmediata, matizados con el análisis de casos prácticos de mineras importantes nacionales y extranjeras.
El Programa inicia el 4 de marzo y se realizará en las instalaciones del Hotel Novotel. Para mayores informes puede contactarse al teléfono 442-1056, visitar la web   o escribir al correo: .

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Continuando con la campaña internacional de PERU MODA, catorce Peruvian textile companies, apparel and accessories, will be present at Magic Fashion Show and Las Vegas, important fairs to be held from 14 to 16 February in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, said Alvaro Galvez, Director of Exports of the Committee Promotion of Peru Export and Tourism - PROMPERU.
In each version, these events are visited by thousands of buyers and representatives of retailers, boutiques and chain stores all over the world.
Gálvez also stated that the Peruvian delegation to participate in these fairs with the support of PROMPERÚ comprises Verdette, Nezi, Corptex V & L, New Expo, Alpaca Color, Jenny Duarte, Calicampo, Alpaca Essence, Sumy Kujón, Alpacolca, Alpaca Blue, Inka Trends, Ethnic and L. Alpaca Peru Paulet. These companies come from Lima and Arequipa, and submit an original and attractive exportable high value-added design and made with pima cotton and alpaca fiber.
In August last version of Magic Show, there was an increase of 30% compared to the version of the same month last year. 800 participants were added in the exhibition from 40 countries totaling more than 3.500 exhibitors and 6,000 brands.
This participation is the sixteenth in the Peru area displayed on the Sourcing, a space that brings together exhibitors from the garment industry, footwear, as well as suppliers of fabrics and accoutrements, offering a level of service delivery to full package. Also, Peruvian companies will be present in the premium brand platform for contemporary menswear line. PERU MODA
will also be in Las Vegas Fashion Fair, exhibition which will take place at the Sands Expo Convention Center. This event represents an important business meeting point for designers and brand managers in the clothing lines and accessories.
worth mentioning that over 50% of participating companies, mainly from Arequipa, will be participating in a Trade Mission in New York City, an activity that has the support of Peru's Foreign Trade Adviser of that city. Export
According to Intelligence and Planning Branch Commercial PROMPERU, the Peruvian textile and apparel sales in 2010 reached U.S. $ 1.558 billion, representing an increase of 4.2%. The U.S. was the main applicant, with a 44% and led to U.S. $ 689 million, orders for the main products of our exports.
In the U.S. market, cotton t-shirts than 2% as negotiated in 2010 (totaled U.S. $ 247 million), while men's polo shirt was an increase of 30% ($ 137 million), in tank tops 20% (U.S. $ 19 million) and 32% (U.S. $ 21 million) baby clothes.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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's management of Adex Agro reported that under the Brokerage and Investment between Peru and Ecuador with the U.S. developed a few weeks ago in our country, met with Melissa's company, the largest distributor of specialty foods in the American nation, who showed a particular interest in 'chilli and bell peppers' Peruvian fresh, they currently do not enter that market for phytosanitary restrictions. Beatriz
Tubino Bardales, Adex Agro manager, explained that although the Business Meeting was not on the agenda to address the issue of access 'chilli and bell peppers' in U.S. due to the interest of the company Melissa's was a meeting with representatives of it.
As recalled, the union last November exporter working group formed the Pro-Peppers, composed of exporting companies in the industry, whose purpose is to lead, in the private sector, the efforts of the State to achieve such access. Tubino
Bardales, thanked collaboration has so far received the National Service of Agrarian Health (SENASA), Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism for having managed the beginning of the functions of the Agricultural Attaché in Washington U.S. Ambassador to Peru , Luis Valdivieso, and his team, to promote with the American authorities the ability to gain access to the 'chilli and bell peppers', which generate business development opportunities Peruvian and American.
explained that the income of the 'chilli and bell peppers' fresh U.S. would create a positive social impact for Peru as it would allow the creation of more jobs work in rural areas (2.5 million new wages per year approximately).
addition, the American consumer would benefit from competitive prices and continuous supply of 'chilli and bell peppers' fresh at times that do not produce. In this way is thought to enter the period from October to March. U.S.
is the world's largest consumer of 'chilli and bell peppers', so also is the first importer of fresh peppers with $ 747.57 million and 649 thousand metric tons (MT) in 2009, an increase of 88% from 2000.
In 2009, Peru exported 475 MT of fresh which is equivalent to 0.06% of total imported U.S. 'chilli and bell peppers, "for what is projected as a very good business opportunity for the sector.

Under A Wrestling Singlet

The district of Los Olivos, which has increased purchasing power of North Lima, will the University specializing Biomedical first Congressman Walter Menchola , the main driver of today's opinion was adopted unanimously (18 votes) in Congress Standing Committee, which is created by the University City district of Los Olivos, and service institution público y de gestión municipal, con los recursos que provienen del gobierno local de Los Olivos.
El proyecto fue presentado por el alcalde de Los Olivos, y cuenta con infraestructura municipal existente y equipamiento, lo cual no originará ningún gasto al Gobierno Central, la creación de la Universidad se efectuará sobre los recursos propios de la Municipalidad.
Las carreras Profesionales que ofrecerá la Universidad Autónoma de Los Olivos:
  • Ingeniería Electrónica con mención  en Telecomunicaciones.
  • Ingeniería Electrónica con mención
  • Mechatronics Electronics Engineering majoring in Biomedical Engineering
  • Software Engineering Management
worth noting that the race Biomedical given for the first time in Peru. This creation is an additional means of combating poverty by giving the segments of the population generate greater employment opportunities in the development of North Lima axis.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Perception or reality?

"Colombia today is more insecure than six months ago?, Does the Government has allowed the achievements in national security have been diluted?, in fact, in these instances to answer with complete certainty is not far from the pure meanness. But consider some important issues to start the scan.

On the one hand, between 2005 and 2009, when building a very strong security policy that led to the peripheries to the armed groups, the killings were a clear downward trend. A trend of 70 homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants, in 2008 the rate suggested 34 homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants, while in 2009 the figure rose to 39 homicides for the same proportion of the population. If Colombia had 15.52o homicides in 2008 and 2009 showed 17,717, we identify a strong increase of 16%. However, between 1999 and 2008, homicides decreased by more than 50%, 70 homicides we "only" 30 homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants. A very general average, considering that Medellin handled 40 homicides rates while Bogotá reaches 20 per 100,000 inhabitants.

If we stay in the arithmetic of crime, we see that there is a markedly downward trend in much of the first decade of the century, but if we delve into the analysis found that the composition of crime in Colombia there have been significant variations. Although I do not know figures, it is likely that most of the killings in 1990 were highly explained by the rise of leftist guerrillas and right-wing militias self-defense. No doubt the tactic of irregular warfare carried out by illegal armies in Colombia have to accompany their actions with horrendous human rights violations.

But in the 2000's, things have changed: 87% of homicides in Colombia are related to unknown authors, that is, 15,533 cases, while only 358 cases are directly related to guerrilla groups, for example, something that symbolizes the loss power of these groups, their gradual withdrawal and inability offensive. But there is concern that more than 15,000 homicides cases are explained by "isolated" and no author. Legal Medicine suggests that 11.7% of homicides are vested in the interpersonal violence while only 6.2% to socio-political violence, ruling that Colombia go through a civil war, as some neighbors wanted to preach in the world to feed its ideological alignments.

saw the picture, the security gains have been evident. On the one hand, the sharply downward trend of criminal acts, high impact moreover, that the very structure of conflict has changed: if yesterday the biggest perpetrators of violence were irregular armies today are criminal gangs and the intolerance of a country which, anyway, is violence in your code genetic. But it remains in the environment if the feeling of insecurity in recent months, driven by media coverage of violent actions as the murder of two students in Cordoba, is a valid concern for a systematic behavior that puts at risk the achievements of the Democratic Security the last decade re-composition of guerrillas or paramilitaries, or is the answer to a phenomenon of violence again, maybe low impact that the internal conflict of the twentieth century but that requires a new government strategy. I favor the latter.

We live in a fragmented mafia violence, not armies that controlled entire regions. Criminal gangs are driven by very powerful economic incentives put forward by the illicit drug business. This is what happens in Mexico, but not the same thing happens in the smaller countries of Central America. While the evidence supports that high youth population without access to opportunities for social mobility in countries like El Salvador has a strong correlation with homicide these nations, in Colombia this evidence is poor. Contrary to what the Medellin combos seem to project, the violence in Colombia in recent times is held by the existence of mafias moved juicy income from illegal businesses.

So, Colombia is facing an escalation in violence as the time when the FARC took over large areas. Today we see the results of a security policy that changed the structure of violence, but did not anticipate that the dynamics of social phenomena strategies required to raise two stages: for the before and after. But yes, if it is believed to have been a point of no return was irregular armies final victory, we were wrong, with the business of international drug running, the chain of incentives are maintained. What's in the background is that crime is set to the new conditions.