Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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The discussion of recognition of the existence of armed conflict reminds me of the story of the king who was deceived by his negligence suits and wore a suit invisible at a public event where the participants, despite knowing that carrying nothing, accepted the idea of \u200b\u200ban invisible suit. Uribe's government at the time tried to convince the public of the existence of a terrorist threat and not an internal conflict, many believed him, but in the awareness that the conflict there is and has been a reality. Anyway, the legal framework of the implications that brings one or other definition might suggest much less than the discussion believe. I dare to say that armed conflict and terrorist threat today is not mutually exclusive events.

An internal conflict does not necessarily recognize a state of belligerent armed rebels who are fighting the rule of law. The plight of Colombia's all a long historical process that began with the political demands of a popular group, divisions between slopes and gradual evolution irregular armies reached jeopardize the state. But a fierce battle against a decrepit state, weak, but sustained by a democratic discipline characteristic of the Colombian people -Not without vices, proved all sources of funding that made partakers of organized crime and drug trafficking emanating from the then kings of this profitable business.

are over 40 years that the illegal armies have fought the government and through different processes, the Colombian State, not subject to constitutional periods, recognized either implicitly or explicitly the existence of a conflict actors outside the law and a legitimate representative government of national interests. An internal conflict of the characteristics of Colombia is not nothing but a sustained armed conflict that links a actors with clear roles: some representatives of popular will and another that seeks to depose them. No causal relationship has to call the warring parties to the conflict when there are groups with some kind of territorial, popular or, indeed, representatives of an internationally recognized independence cause. Neither the FARC nor the ELN, much less criminal gangs have some of these features and do not need a law to give them a specific treatment when the crimes they have committed systematically engages in conduct that departs from state actors of belligerence and subversive movements about terrorist practices.

Apelar a la denominación de conflicto armado lo que permite, en el núcleo de una ley como la que permite la reparación a las víctimas de los hechos que involucren a una acción armada y violenta en concreto, es que se impida ambigüedades que puedan representar altos costos fiscales para el Estado. Dicho de otro modo: un terrorista podría ser un delincuente como el tristemente célebre Chacal o ser terrorista todo un frente guerrillero. Más sin embargo ambos casos no responden a motivaciones similares y, en un contexto como el de Colombia, los hechos históricos sugieren que los frentes guerrilleros, los grupos de autodefensas and some State agents have committed crimes in a context of conflict in particular, not isolated events caused by the insanity of a criminal. Define an armed conflict allows for actors and the establishment of the actors can outline the responsibilities: the FARC and the illegal groups still insist that make war against the state and soon will have to assume the State will pay for work and omissions in this confrontation. Recognize that a conflict exists is not to lose.

Friday, May 13, 2011

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Conflict Poverty, inequality and social responsibility

What kind of country we want to become?, when you look closely at the daily news of that country the idea that recurring dream is that we have to be one very different from what we live today and, perhaps, to which generations of Colombians from the time of the independence revolution have had to live. A recurring phenomena such as violence, corruption and lax government will add an effect that has historically marked the Colombian society: poverty.

If all possible country models diverge on how to achieve it, no country should be ideal model that does not include the eradication of poverty as a priority. But share this question with which I begin this writing with passion should lead us to think about the convergences and divergences that allow us to visualize how to cover this problem. Without a shared vision, I mean: not a general and rather with a bias towards the sector of society that has, as the traditional political class, "the issue of poverty is another result of the correlation of forces and games of interest, the excitement of the rhetoric that sometimes appears or a stage of conflict, a clash of visions.

Either way poverty is not a simple matter. There are features of poverty that make a complex, multidimensional and as much or more complicated solutions. Poor rural households have more children (twice) that a home does not have an urban poor and lower income population shows a lag in Colombia, for example, focuses on the Atlantic and Pacific and heterogeneity in poverty same, on the other hand, education in these sectors is much lower in terms of coverage and quality, and revenues come mostly from labor income, so that satiety of needs largely depend on the level of employment. That education, employment and income level of workers become determinants significant proportion poverty.

Moreover, the problem becomes more complex when assimilates that poverty is not a static concept. During the life cycle, households face a number of risks and this leads to address unforeseen events, many non-poor families fall into poverty. Knowing what is likely to fall into poverty would allow the design of effective strategies and targeted subsidies, transfers and social responsibility policies. Identify the determinants of poverty will discover other important phenomena in Colombia shed light on the complexity of problem: for example, Colombia can be poor or not, according to the variables that impact the per capita income, the proportion of people working at home, years of education of head of household and reside in Bogota ( !).

A Nuñez and Espinosa discovery in 2005 is revealing and gives interesting clues for designing effective strategies to combat poverty: an increase in a year when the education level of household head reduces income poverty from 55.3% to 48.8% and expenditure reduces poverty by 52.9% to 46.4%. Finally, if the average ownership of financial assets (dinero) se incrementa a 3,4%, la pobreza por ingreso se reduce a 54,9% y por gasto a 51,8%. Más educación para los jefes de hogares pobres y más dinero que devengan los trabajadores de una familia es una estrategia con resultados fecundos en lucha contra la pobreza. De modo que la estrategia más efectiva -si bien no la única que debe implementarse- de lucha contra la pobreza es una política de reducción del paro, dado que los resultados sugieren que un 5,3% de incremento en la pobreza se encuentra explicado por el aumento del paro. Sin embargo una política de generación de trabajos no es la única estrategia, como los resultados lo sugieren.

In the macroeconomic area is frustrating conclusion: the economic literature has promised that the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) generates employment and household income, but on the other hand, economic stability, predicts that families are exposed to covariant shocks ( as unemployment, inflation) that make your real income is volatile. Despite the promise of economic literature regarding the GDP growth has not been met in Colombia: a study in the last decade concluded that the growth between 1997 and 2004 reported only two consecutive periods of expansion "pro-poor" while the rest of the periods benefited more to the nonpoor. With a much more detailed analysis it is found that during these years, growth reduced poverty by only 1%. Only between 2000 and 2003 there was a significant reduction of this phenomenon.

Everyone is vulnerable to volatility in income. But the poorest are most vulnerable due to lack of savings or assets to back them, are at risk and have few tools to address them. The increased vulnerability of the poorest makes them risk averse and more cautious in making decisions to carry out activities with higher returns. Homeless, and health services, educational opportunities and training, security or access to justice, the vulnerability can be much stronger and attack an issue that may take time but priority overtones.

back on topic of economic growth, it is noteworthy that the GDP of the first decade of the century was 10% higher than that of the early years of the last decade of the twentieth century. Yet poverty rates were similar. If poverty tied to the workplace, the bias from the 1990's was created by skilled labor and access to higher education, still prohibitive for the poor, increased the gap and bias growth to the richest people in society. To this we add that the unskilled labor, especially in rural areas, is intended for the production of sluggish demand for goods or non-tradable crops.

Having regard to the above analysis, it was identified that public policies have not been successful or sufficient. Moreover, it is imperative to recognize that the development strategy involving the poor should be a transversal policy, linking the public sector, private sector and the growing sector of the charitable organizations. Economic development is linked the social fabric of social and cultural relations in which productive activity and plays in which these relationships are reinforced. There is not really feasible must be companies that is not linked to one degree or another with the territory in which it sits. In this regard is the Social Responsibility in the heart of a nation that is constituted in one of the essential support for the articulation of their economic and ethical wealth, because it establishes an open connection to a corporate vision (essential in any market economy) and a national vision. Corporate Social Responsibility can think of an economy and a society that share space in harmony: We can no longer accept business successes in countries failed. It is an affront to millions who depend on poorly paid and unstable jobs.

However, in conclusion, there is the dilemma: Obstruction of business growth or the growth of poverty. The problem is not primarily economic system that has rich, the problem is, in the words of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, that there are many poor people. It is in them that we must concentrate our efforts as entrepreneurs, politicians, students, ordinary citizens and members of a society that wants to dream for a country to suit their needs is possible. Perhaps the first thing required of us is to cushion the blows that the poorest because of their vulnerability received daily. Perhaps a family housing are more appropriate to concentrate on their future physical and mental efforts to educate and better educate their children or find a better job "with an appropriate policy from the Government, of course. But while their roofs allow the passage of water in rainy season or soil moisture threaten their health, it is likely that poverty comes through the door of their humble homes and threatens to never leave. The first step we must take, then, is noted.

I'm a student Economics of the Universidad del Valle and international NGOs working for A Roof for my Country.

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Exporters Association (ADEX) hailed the signing of the North Terminal concession and hoped that the entry of new operators generate a fair competition that benefits the sector by reducing fares and improving services .
Guild President exporter Varilias Juan Velazquez, said he is waiting for the prompt exposure of the investment schedule for the modernization of the North Terminal, as well as reducing tariffs by APM Terminals, which will help increase the competitiveness of Peruvian foreign trade.
what's next hearing for the moment by the winning consortium are generalities and good intentions, which are expected to materialize as soon as possible.
"Exporters expect a clear decision to reduce cost overruns and further facilitate operations, comprehensive and direct contacts with exporters and importers, without having to go through the terminals extraportuarios" he said.
no doubt, "he continued granting the North Terminal is an important step towards the modernization and consolidation of Callao and South American hub, however, which should interest us all is to become a strategic ally of the Peruvian foreign trade, he said.
Varilias Velásquez recalled that in 2014 it is expected that the number of containers will grow between 14% and 20%, so it is necessary that the works to modernize the North Terminal is running on time estimates.
Yesterday during the signing of the contract, APM Terminals is committed to start operations in the said terminal, over a period not exceeding 60 days. She also indicated that it will invest $ 749 million to transform the pier to allow better handling containers, general cargo, cargo trailer, bulk cargo and vessels passengers.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

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30 pieces

The Judas 30 pieces represent the corruption case and remembered more symbolic of universal history. Perhaps the enigmatic Police Minister Consul Bonaparte in France in the late eighteenth century, Fouché, knew quite well how some men, all men have a price, what is ignored is not the exact value of the price . Every act of corruption that has rocked our country confirms how weak a state: the value of a state is often determined by the value of conscience a corrupt official.

corruption scandal confirms that Colombia was co-opted by evil machines jackets income. The sanction of the mayor of Bogota is the tip of an iceberg that every day is close to the great ship's hull and promises to provide disaster case. And corruption not only ruined the whole country wishes to acquire the necessary infrastructure for a growing economy and needs to connect to the rest of the world but apparently squandered an entire health system was the real cause its financial meltdown, what else can you miss?

The economic consequences can be as large as the political, moral and ethical. Every day different situations show how the misuse of public funds and their diversion to private interests has resulted in an evident and inevitable decline in the effectiveness of government and public sector, as the World Bank calculated as a weight of perceptions of different sectors of society. Moreover, the costs had to take on Colombian society by high transport costs which compels poor infrastructure as well as the opportunity cost imposed by the poor choice of leaders predict that the economy will take many years before these severe blows to recover.

noteworthy that in Cali are concerned about the state of the dam that separates the waters of the Cauca River in the impoverished east of the city, which has 40% of the population. But attracting more attention than the value of the embezzled in the Ministry of Social Protection product of a leading edge and private entities opportunistic health promotion could have been arranging finance for the dam and others who have avoided with good maintenance, floods that devastated acres of crops and assets of the less fortunate of the country, their homes, furnishings, cars and, often, their only possessions.

But the thing leads to something more complex: the state is checked and has no defenses to prevent or identify early idols committed by officials of the various entities of the state apparatus. One such example is the Superintendent of Health, with almost 14 thousand entities of different natures to monitor, has a budget of $ 3500 for an average organization to conduct surveillance, a figure that is just ridiculous. States are like organisms that require the information needed to ensure immunity from potential damage and diseases such as corruption, but the Colombian state has historically been checked out and their defense system is vulnerable.

just 30 coins to Judas sold Jesus Christ. But today hundreds of Judas in the heart of the state sold the interests of Colombians to the highest bidder: the best committee in a contract, the better best return bribery or hunted in the coffers of the national treasury. But far from being that the big problem, it's unfortunate that the resources available to stop it's far from necessary. Colombia is fortunate because of its natural resource endowment, but is far from being rich when the minds that direct the affairs of state are immersed in their own destruction.

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Posthumous recognition to the brave men of September 11

BEE shares Brigade posthumous recognition to New York firefighters who bravely tried to save lives in the September 11 attack unrestrained in the city of New York. The descamento 54 was the most affected by the terrible terrorist attack, where more than 3,000 people of various nationalities were killed, including Dominicans. Hopefully

governments and officials of the municipalities in some countries understand the importance of work in society Fire Department, who dedicate their lives to save others change. Someday I will have to give merit to the Dominican firefighter. Contacts

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President Barack Obama visited the destacemento NY 54, in commemoration of the area 0 of 9 11.


Friday, May 6, 2011

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two motivations that led me to the Faculty of Economics I remember them well enough. On the one hand, eager to find the reasons why a person could get rich in this kind of economic societies. I knew, I just want to be rich. On the other hand, I wondered how some countries could reach such levels of wealth and development, while others less fortunate living on the edge of poverty. Furthermore, I wondered why I lived in Bogota live a middle class person in any city in the United States or Western Europe, while a few kilometers there were people settling into real human hell, eroded by poverty and neglect. Perhaps this second question in the University can never answer, not in this new generation of social scientists called economists, less social than scientific.

Because it seems that the fight against poverty was an issue embodied in the core of political discourse in the heart of claims social organizations or the constant litany of social activists, gifted with good intentions and almost always devoid of a north-but tangential, at best, to economics. Economists suddenly filled the literature of complex treaties to combat poverty and inequality but have consistently failed to implement their ideas and make them successful. Much of the mainstream of thinking has been believed and believe that the economy must grow enough to spill the wealth produced and delivered to all classes. Something like putting a drop on the tip of the pyramid and expect them to be distributed at all levels to the base. Or make wine glass overflows and wine to flow into the mouths of the most thirsty tasters.

But it seems that basically does not lie and even the choice to grow to distribute or allocate to grow. It is likely that an advanced country in Scandinavia can redistribute their income to feed domestic demand and by this means economic growth, but it is likely that in Colombia this strategy does not give the same results. But the aggravating is that the Colombian economy, with annual growth trends of positive and significant, can not use all the available workforce in the country and eliminate the unmet needs of the poorest. Redistributed without crumbs and grow is to grow to redistribute seems to be becoming a noisy and frustrating wait for the majority. Must be to know that some industry saw increased profits as you are applying for a housing allowance that is far from a simple bureaucratic procedure.

appears to be emerging the need third way to provide targeted development models and to identify its target population according to their needs. No policies to alleviate poverty: it is necessary to design sophisticated palliative, because poverty is a disease which must be lived together. Our countries should consider comprehensive strategies for the eradication of extreme poverty. A great evils great remedies and poverty could not resist a warm wet cloth. The governments of emerging countries, which concentrates the bulk of the poor worldwide, must summon all the forces of society about this. The productive apparatus of nations must have a functional relationship with the desire and aspiration of the people to close a cycle of poverty that threatens every day to retain their ranks more and more odious generations. The palliative, at best, will make the passage of these generations in the cycle of poverty more bearable. But we should want to make friendly poverty: we believe in and create a society in the absence of his hateful face.

Now in addition to economics student, I am sub-director of A Roof for my Country Colombia in Cali .

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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Brigade Congratulates Seibanos BEE in your Patron

General (T) Roberto A. Vargas M., welcomed on behalf of BEE Brigde, all Seibanos week of activities in Santa Cruz del Seibo. In particular we commend the Fire Seibanos to share with all his people the celebration of the patron. It is a very special week, filled with traditional activities, or employment, as is the running of the bull, being this provicnia from east of the few in the country that Mantine this tradition. General (T) Roberto Vargas hopes that one day the count permanently Seibo a real bullring.
Instead, firefighters, as usual, actively participate in the festivities of this traditional village. Contacts