Monday, January 31, 2011

Rose Garden Section And Rows Chart

Corridor for progress

BOGOTA, I was able to go after some time away from the highway linking Bogota with Girardot, in the center of the country, and therefore is the way out to the Southwest Colombia and the rest of South America. One of the first reflections I made to see the zig-zagueante via in situ stagnant with stretches without running and without contacting other services and now abandoned, is that instead of talking about a regional small road we are facing the most important route for a country of 45 million people and, why not a highway of continental importance. Just because it is the exit corridor and access to the largest city in the region necessarily implies a more strong. When you think that six months ago that path should be in service on both carriageways and only now has 51 km. of 174 km. posed to unite the Magdalena Valley in Colombia's capital, can not but feel some anger, disappointment and sadness.

The existing empirical literature suggests that modern economic infrastructure investments contribute to output growth, cost reduction and improved profitability. A government can not therefore decide to undertake an infrastructure project without being forced to make a judicious analysis of costs and benefits of doing so: to contemplate clearly the set of conditions that achieve the chain of transmission infrastructure investments and economic growth . It is clear that consideration of infrastructure and services resulting from its operation must converge in the economic analysis, because the service would not exist without infrastructure and it does not play a role in itself but a related service.

No doubt this when we consider the benefit of a work as the highway between Bogota and Girardot, part of a corridor linking the Pacific coast of Colombia and its main port, Buenaventura, with Colombia's most populous area and the epicenter of economic activity around the country. Much of the exports coming out of Bogota and imports a large proportion going to it. The services provided in this way have exceeded its nascent years-load capacity, passenger transport, which has caused a significant drop in quality them. The travel times have increased from one city to another, the accident rate has increased and costs are a low marked in the product. The typical example is that the cost of transporting one ton of goods between Buenaventura and Bogota has the same cost to bring it from a Japanese port.

is not the same as a modern dual carriageway in the Llanos Orientales, low population, a highway that has a potential to cover a region of more than 15 million inhabitants. Colombia certainly progressed in the last decade in vial: a mere 50 km. dual carriageways in the country today the figure is the 970 km, a major limitation in the capacity of State institutions to enforce contracts. Thus road concessions in Colombia are similar to a failure and removes all the glitz that have won these mechanisms for managing infrastructure projects in countries like Chile. No one dual carriageways in Colombia that is concluded and the case of dual carriageway between Bogota and Girardot is the most unfortunate examples.

If Colombia wants to grow and that provision of infrastructure to transfer their benefits to growth and competitiveness, it is necessary that the institutional environment meets the conditions of a laggard in vial. The country abandoned the multimodal transport to the pettiness and political leaders, such decisions were disastrous as too low to build bridges over rivers to prevent navigation on the Magdalena, have experts compete with rail transport. After several decades in Colombia you were about inadequate roads, railways submerged by a river weeds and abandoned to their fate.

Carlos Caballero at his latest column in El Tiempo appeals to return to basics: infrastructure. Industrial relocation, opening markets and increasing complexity of economic transactions require greater efforts in the provision of modern infrastructure. The high costs of travel within the country could be explained in the high taxation and little competition, in the case of air transport market, and the deficiency of existing roads and mismanagement in the case of land transport. This reduces the efficiency of an economy that needs to grow well above their current average if you long to leave their backwardness. For now when I think of the road linking Bogota with Girardot think of a runner to advance. Hopefully they think the Government.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lorac Blush Hollywood Swatches


2010 figures indicate that exports of fishery records a good standard and that growth for 2011 will continue in that line, not only for the price of fish meal, our main product, but by the development to reach Peruvian aquaculture and helped to a greater demand for Peruvian sardines, said the President's Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture ADEX, Henry López Quiroz.
mentioned that according to the National Aquaculture Development Plan is expected that this activity grow between 9% and 10% due to increase in most companies "truchicultoras" designed especially for export. Moreover, the public-private job to achieve the positioning of the Peruvian sardine (Engraulis ringens), both domestically and internationally, demonstrate their results.
As one of the strengths to continue positioning fishery products mentioned Expoalimentaria Quiroz, and in the domestic market, the Sardine Festival to help promote the product. said that markets will have greater presence in 2011 are Brazil and Colombia in Latin America and the European Union. Spain and Italy. "In the case of Asia expect greater demand from China," he said.
Figures to November should be noted that according to information from Business Intelligence System Adex Data from January to November 2010, only non-traditional fisheries exports totaled U.S. $ 574.5 million, 21% more than in 2009 (U.S. $ 475.2 million), but still 1% less than in 2008 when it totaled U.S. $ 580.8 million.
The main items are "Other cuttlefish, bobtail, and squid, frozen, dried, salted or in brine, with $ 146.3 million, followed by" Scallops (scallops, scallops), frozen, dried, salted or in brine ", with U.S. $ 90.5 million and" Other molluscs and aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved ", with U.S. $ 72.9 million.
Other items are "uncooked shrimp tails in water or steamed, frozen" "Other fish meat," Prepared or preserved anchovies, whole or in pieces, but not crushed "," Other frozen fish, frozen whole prawns "and" Other prepared or preserved fish, among others.
The main destinations between January and November were U.S. (U.S. $ 107.4 million), an increase of 20%, followed by Spain with $ 101.6 million (45% growth), China with $ 68 million and France (U.S. $ 66.3 million). Others are South Korea, Japan, Italy, Germany and Venezuela.
The main exporters were Seafros SAC, Corporación Refrigerated INY SA, Pesquera Hayduk SA, Productora Andina de Frozen Commercial Prisco SAC Investments, Pacific EIRL Freezing Company, CNC and Owners & Freezers Pacific SA, among others.

Bounty Commercial 2010 Lisa


Small Peruvian companies have the opportunity to participate in a total of 23 missions to fairs and business in Peru and abroad, according to the program of activities PYMEADEX that individually or in alliance with the Commission for the Promotion of Peru Export and Tourism (PROMPERU) drive this year.
Roberto Molero, PYMEADEX manager said that while small companies are exporting most of the export base, it is certain that their representation is still small, ranging on average by 2%. "The natural markets for SMEs are the neighboring markets, but we are taking the first steps to bring them closer to the European Union," he said.
In this regard, he mentioned that it will promote the participation of SMEs in the fair-INTERGIFT-Bijoutex IBERJOYA to be held in Madrid, Spain, between 08 and 18 September for the sub crafts and jewelry. Another mission is to travel to the fair JCK (Jewelry and Accessories) to be held in La Vegas, USA SMEs and traveling through the work to be carried out jointly with PROMPERU-
"We plan to promote a business mission to travel to Milan, Italy, where Milan Rho Fair held for the handicraft sector, including the 29 November to 08 December, "he said. He added that his work schedule includes other U.S. missions to participate in the Children `s Club in New York, to be held between 06 and 08 March and Resale Hannover Fair in Germany, for metalworking and manufacturing sectors (19 to 23 April)," he said. Markets
neighbors Other missions that are organized to participate in the exhibition and international conference in Cochabamba, Bolivia, to be held between April 28 and May 8 (multi), another mission is to be held in Ecuador in July and will be organized PROMPERU strategic alliance with another is to be held in Chile and Argentina for SMEs in the apparel sector and agro-industry, between 01 and 15 June.
also highlights the participation of SMEs in Colombiamoda Fair, whose mission will also be organized jointly with PROMPERU. This fair for SMEs in the apparel sector, will be held between 27 and 29 June. The most important will undoubtedly be the Expoalimentaria organized by ADEX, in this fair, to be held between 28 and 30 September, involving SMEs in the food sub sectors (agriculture and fisheries).
The two missions that will close the year are participating in the International Business Round-industries Peru, to be held in Lima and with the participation of SMEs in the engineering sector, from 23 to 27 November and Expoartesanías of Bogotá, Colombia, between 06 and 19 December.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Remote Started Santa Fe 2010

Stop Keeping prejudice or inadequate

The desire of some to see the break between Santos and President Uribe, a version widely circulated national newspapers in recent days, reminds me a bit of desire and obsession with the ultra conservative American 's Tea Party exacerbate tensions to the point of polarization with hints of violence. Apart from any consideration, is mean-political criticism become essential in a democracy, a popular comparison tool to shake things down. It is petty in Colombia for a reason: continuity does not mean all that reliable conservation became a predecessor. If Santos preserves the successes of Uribe, is not required to keep their mistakes, does anyone do it?

But look a little history. In 2001, true, while pressuring FARC negotiations in their favor with the Colombian government to ensure that military patrols around the former Demilitarized Zone was an obstacle to peace, which never came, the specialized international opinion was determined that Colombia a country whose institutions was similar to that of Haiti or the Ivory Coast (considered failed states) , the country was in one of the most critical of its recent history, mired in a weak economic recovery that followed into a deep recession that affected the Colombian economy between 1999 and 2000 while breaking the hopes for peace with the largest illegal armed group, which now carried the weight of a terrorist organization after the events of September 11, 2001 and that he charged fiercely against the Colombian state.

The stage was anything but inspiring: the FARC's armed proselytism, under suspicion of being too deep in the illicit drug business, generating panic and sosobra and nearly two million Colombians displaced from the countryside to the cities and a similar number who left the country before the violence perverse consistency, weak State and the macroeconomic environment. Pessimism in all its fury. A growth was -4.8% in the third quarter of 1999, an indicator of industry confidence that ranged in the same way that expectations were unstable and consumer confidence deteriorated further predicted that the change in the course was a necessity. It was no fault of the Pastrana administration, was the confluence of many phenomena engendered years ago. It only takes one time for all the ills to flood with devastating effect.

Uribe's arrival represented the turning point. Government political will for dialogue and peaceful resolution conflict in 2002 chose a strategy of armed and strong state. In a few years the results are obvious, Colombia recovered some lost ground and gained security priority. After 8 years of government and for the first time in several years, but new priorities that emerged were not attended by Uribe, a president should not think about how to give some viability to the country through violence. Hence the arrival of Santos is the opportunity of an entire country to turn to the basics: build a real project of nation.

Why consider as a danger to what was built in the last decade victims law, land law or social reforms that the new government wanted to implement?, a social and economic agenda that attacks the strong core of the conflict, such as poor distribution of ownership of land and low State's ability to defend, can not be considered a danger to a legacy like Uribe, on the contrary, if the state has regained some lost authority, it is time to promote reforms. It is also a message of optimism for the international community, whose expectations are finally set to the desired post-conflict.

however, Colombia can not pretend to overcome fundamental problems if it assumes the costs of years of neglect, much less whether retains prejudice. The continuity of Uribe is guaranteed in the same way that fundamental problems are undertaken as a priority. If poverty and exclusion remain immovable, successes in security, yet to be consolidated, disappeared after a few years. If we retain prejudices, the failure will be waiting just around the corner.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Face Pain After Dental Filling


Busan South Korea Skylift Fire department


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Toothpaste After Extraction

: minimum wage that democracy

A both sides of the minimum wage issue has become particularly important. Both in America and Europe, the issue of job creation is a priority and has divided most notably the political scene. On the one hand the orthodox, more conservative, suggest that any text posits economy class: the minimum wage above the natural wage inevitably reduce employment. That is, the minimum wage far from being a sensible redistributive strategy has the opposite effect and contract employment opportunities for workers. Under this thesis, for better or worse, has operated the design of public policies on employment in much of the West. On the other hand we find a more heterodox view, do not know if I generate progressive-burning-term, suggesting that a minimum wage prevents arbitrariness in the labor market to bring the level of the lowest salaries of certain individuals at levels socially acceptable.

almost two centuries ago there was talk of a natural wage, the minimum with which ensured the survival and reproduction of the working class. School arrival Walrasian approach, the labor market became a market for capital, goods and services like any other and the concept of minimum wage, although not explicitly the imaginary disappeared, was closely linked to fluctuations of the economies themselves. Perhaps in the new salary could get to fix a price. Here's why. The neoclassical postulate that unemployment exists because wages are unreasonably high, without restrictions, government intervention, competition would force wages put on those levels where it is favorable to employ more labor. What is outlined is a simple relationship: with increasing real wages, lower occupancy levels and vice versa.

Here is a very interesting statement: "The State is, according to neoclassical intrusive and distorting force because, with its regulations and laws, always excessive, according to these authors, prevents forming on the labor market real free price ] . To impose minimum wages, subsidies and other protections against unemployment, regular way interventional the labor market, the rights to strike and dismissal, collective bargaining, etc.., By acting, in short, as a State welfare (in the Keynesian favorite expression), and not simply a liberal state ] actually what the State is contributing to artificially raise price labor market (ie, the wage rate) above the level that would correspond to the domestic fundamentals of the economy (ie, free and flexible functioning of the market). "(Guerrero and Guerrero, 1999)

Clearly this is not get the monopoly of good feelings - monopole du coeur- by the heterodox, as suggested by Chirac in the presidential debate in France two decades ago, when promulgated left heart failure in the policy prescriptions of right and denied this and said not to be moved by the good feelings. It is, yes, to contrast the problem of the minimum wage corresponds to a much broader economic context and if we obsess establish an amount to ensure a socially acceptable level of income for lower paid workers should obsess the behavior of the economy and economic agents: benefits , free education and health for those who clearly can not afford insurance or access to school for their children, better road infrastructure, clearing charges and fiscal-policy measures to increase worker productivity, openness to international markets , reduced the country's dependence on primary commodities, among others.

The wage increase announced by the Colombian government headed by President Santos, suggests a call to rethink the way in which Colombia took the remuneration of Colombians. On the one hand we must take steps to structure the labor market from a less rigid approach than the current obsession likely Walrasian heritage: if this guilt the State and the unions to be ultimately responsible for the high wage level - artificially high, do not forget, "and they fall on the high level of wage explanation of unemployment, they offer no solution may be more logical from their point of view. Avoid inappropriate increase the wage rate to avoid imbalances. So well is traded on intersectoral coordination table or the Government who set the annual change in salary, the guiding principle of the matter is the impact of wages on corporate earnings and unemployment.

Colombia has a perverse tax system, full of impertinence that make it complex, costly, since the same time it is played (plays recruit scholars who advise, which is expensive), plus that this is a perverse incentive together with other traps such as para-, which together work to raise costs higher relative levels (of course, if you look at the rest of the continent). Until such a strong evaluation system is not developed, to broaden and make more flexible the labor market, something that should be a national compact, it is likely that the minimum wage is workhorse of all against all, giving greater importance of merit. Meanwhile, a good sector of Colombians continue earning less than the minimum, and who by fortune it accrues, continue to struggle to survive, because, sadly it seems the economy, science master, became the less human social sciences.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How Much Should A Guy Ejaculate

Spanish Fire Company Iquique, Chile

Xbox Live Gold Sold At Cvs

Colonel Javier Garcia (BrigadaBEE) and Captain Narvaez Cristian Tapia de Iquique (Chile)

Courtesy BEE Brigade pump the English company in Iquique, Chile

Hallowwen Costumes On Crutches


Grecian Formula New Formula Does Not Work

Something that can hardly be ignored is the deep relationship of political stability and favorable economic performance of nations. Political stability provided by strong political institutions, allows the benefits of growth and economic activity reach all social sectors to which requires as a fundamental principle that society adheres to the principles of rule of law, on pain to submit assignments disturbances.

but unknown A striking case is Belgium. A country rich, developed, prosperous heart of the European Union although nonperforming completing 200 days without an elected government and ethnic political divisions more like petty politicians who own the struggle between parties to impose a government project national. While the French-speaking Belgians use their capital to hold together the nascent kingdom, the Flemish, Dutch-speaking, they invent all sorts of gadgets to split populists, who usually are very popular among the grassroots, very perceptive to these kinds of expressions. Such a division between Walloons and Flemings led to the existence of an interim government, responsible for the king, which has limited powers, unable legally to legislate on socio-economic or fiscal measures to promote, in a country with a deficit of 25 billion euros.

And a sign that the political imbalances can be safe routes to greater imbalances in the markets is a warning of the Standard and Poor's to downgrade the debt rating of Belgium. If the interim government can not take economic measures will be necessary in the short term is taken to an elected government able to take such measures before the markets react and take severe retaliation, the style Greek and Irish, so what happens if the political divide persists and uncertainty about the government?

The answer is simple. Belgian debt lose confidence, investors shall be frightening to dispose of their sovereigns, seek out the capital of Belgium, the government will have severe fiscal difficulties that will seek to correct with cuts in social benefits to the Treasury gives its citizens to the expected results : insurrections of the trade unions, strikes and other measures to bring the country made the worst of all worlds. But is it possible that political stability economic stability help?, for a case close enough response, the Colombian sovereign bonds have the highest returns among emerging markets, product markets perspective on the imminence of the investment grade rating to Colombia, and to the perception of political stability that was designed with the change of government in 2010.

The issue of political stability is a matter of respect for democracy. In a liberalized economies concept, why institute a government?, Because the passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice sin una fuerza coercitiva, en palabras de Hamilton. Pero dicha fuerza coercitiva debe estar desprovista de esas mismas pasiones que busca ajustar al orden.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Straight Hair Sew In With A Bang


Concluyó 2010 en medio de una fuerte expectativa por el incremento del salario mínimo legal en Colombia que, asimilado como un precio muy importante en el mercado, supone un parámetro interesante para el funcionamiento de la economía. Como se vio, el salario tuvo un incremento del 3,4%, ciertamente una tasa de incremento bajísima y que será aún más baja cuando en este mes de enero que inicia se sepa cuál fue la inflación causada durante 2010. Si las expectativas incubadas por productores y consumidores se cumplen, el incremento real del salario mínimo será aún más bajo que el 2%. Además, el salario mínimo sirve de parámetro para definir otros precios, como las multas de tránsito, cuotas de compensación militar, servicios médicos entre otros valores de uso cotidiano. Esto aunado a que antes de finalizar 2010 ya los colombianos sabíamos que otros bienes, como los combustibles, subirían sus precios.

Ante ese panorama podríamos gritar junto a las centrales obreras que el Gobierno se apartó de los trabajadores más pobres y se alineó a los intereses de las clases empresariales que buscan pagar lo menos posible a sus empleados. The answer is yes and no. Entrepreneurs are aware that much of its costs are in wages, the Government is aware that the Colombian economy has many of its bases in households and workers know that this situation precipitated with ease inflationary pressures.

say two things: Colombia, as a girl and emerging economy yet, it fails to sustain its economic performance in a heavy accumulation of capital, in innovation, technological change, but in unskilled labor. Also, given their precarious economic liberalization, domestic demand often determines the pace of growth of GDP, making the country prone to frequent crises, severe contractions, pronounced booms and increases susceptibility untimely manifested in price levels. Colombia produces many commodities and goods of very low added value that makes them susceptible to changes in prices resulting from supply shocks and demand results, for example, foreign capital inflows, often speculative, natural phenomena, relaxation of the rationalization of credit, among others. Hence, raising the minimum wage in a country dependent on domestic demand could boost the economy, yes, but at a cost of inflation suggests that the problem does not dwell on how to vary the minimum wage, but in the very structure of the Colombian economy.

Consider the case of Spain. In 2012, the English labor unions aspire to the minimum wage of workers comes to 800 euros. While the socialist government supports such a possibility, employers still have reservations and scholars are divided. The main argument is that much of the inflationary pressures are viewed as margins come from the business, although consumption in Spain is important and will suffer, of course, to a significant change in family income, structure English economy could ensure that a minimum wage increase does not have the impact it would have in Colombia, in large part because the weight of venture capital is much higher in Spain, as they do have the consumption of enterprises.

Raising the minimum wage by 3, or 10% in Colombia will be needed in the money economy, as shown, generates price increases, often anticipating the implementation of the new salary amount. Will there be any outbreak of inflation, most likely, and expected that the increase in wages is diluted rapidly rising prices. The solution the problem is far from determining a market price mechanism that ignores minimum and maximum, perhaps the answer lies and lies, inter alia, the need to modernize the production structure in Colombia, enabling cost reductions in processes and products and generate an impact real market: more and better products at lower prices in an environment of higher real wages result. Otherwise the minimum wage remains the hope of the poor. And with a minimum wealth hardly reach the poorest.