Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tattoo Has White Spots


Only I have three wishes for the coming year. The first is that the Israeli government to realize once and for all that the Middle East conflict can not be solved by military means. The second is for Hamas to keep in mind that their interests are not imposed by violence, and that Israel is here to stay. The third is for the world to recognize that this conflict is unparalleled in history. Is complex and delicate, it is a human conflict between two people deeply convinced of their right to live in it and tiny piece of land. That is why no diplomacy or military action to resolve this conflict.

The events of the past days I was overly concerned about many human and political reasons. It is clear that Israel has the right to defend itself, it can not and must not tolerate the continued missile attacks against its citizens, but the relentless and brutal bombing of the Israeli army in Gaza has raised some questions me.

The first question is what the Israeli government has the right to blame all Palestinians for the actions of Hamas? Should be blame the entire population of Gaza for the sins of a terrorist group? We Jews, we must know and feel more acutely than other populations unacceptable and inhumane killing of innocent civilians. The Israeli army has argued poorly than the Gaza Strip is so overcrowded that it is impossible to avoid civilian casualties during attacks.

The weakness of the argument leads me to ask new questions: If the death of civilians is inevitable, what is the purpose of the bombing? What-if any-the logic of violence and what Israel hopes to achieve through it? If the objective of the offensive is to destroy Hamas, the most important question is whether this is an achievable goal. If not, the bombings are not only cruel, barbaric and reprehensible, but also absurd.

If on the other hand, it is actually possible to destroy Hamas military operations, how does Israel imagine the reaction in Gaza after that? One and a half million Gaza residents not kneel reverently before the might of the Israeli army. We must not forget that before the Palestinians elected Hamas, Israel's support in a ploy to weaken Arafat. Israel's recent history leads me to believe that if Hamas is bombed his disappearance another group will take its place, training more radical, more violent and more filled with hatred towards Israel.

Israel can not afford a military defeat for fear of disappearing from the map, but history has proven that every military victory to Israel politically weakened by the emergence of radical groups. Do not underestimate the difficulty of the decisions that must take the Israeli government daily, or underestimate the importance of security of Israel. However, I stick to my conviction that the only viable plan for the security of Israel is to gain acceptance from all its neighbors. I want intelligence back in 2009 attributed to the Jews forever. I wish the return of wisdom King Solomon to decision makers in Israel to use it to understand that Palestinians and Israelis have the same human rights.

Palestinian violence plaguing Israel and does not serve the cause, the military retaliation of Israel is inhumane, immoral and does not guarantee safety. As I said earlier, the fates of two people whose destinies are inextricably linked, forcing them to live side by side. It is they who decide whether to make this a blessing or a curse.

Daniel Barenboim, Open Letter

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What Should I Drink With An Abscess On Tonsil

Sergio Chefjec

Here you can read my interview with Sergio Chefjec, mutilated and cut to could not be more vile by the editors. Best Regards.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ambria Blinds Company

This country

I know, do not it funny
this country,
had a dress and a love
and I just saw you

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Paint Colour Chart-berger

neoliberal reform of the Spanish university on civilization and barbarism

MANIFESTO neoliberal reform of the English university:
Bologna Accords as a pretext

the absence of public debate on the reform of the university, both in regard to planning and evaluation of higher education , and its relation to the needs needs of society can be defined in many ways and, without yielding to a single discourse, the university should be collected in its plurality, the undersigned expose:

Bologna Accords, followed by other resolutions in several European cities were taken in 1999. Countries, among whom was Spain, agreed to six points that are policy proposals, but not enforceable rules from a legal perspective. Despite the declarative nature, "Bologna" has been put forward and is wielded in our environment as an excuse to reduce or even eliminate the fundamental role of the university in all its scientific and humanistic aspects, the great linguist and philosopher Charles S. Peirce, the founder of pragmatism, defined as "space which exposes the living condition of thought."

We must remember here, so briefly, what these agreements, including subsequent amendments to the 1999:
1) adoption of a comparable system of degrees
2) that this system is preferably divided into two cycles
3) is evaluated by a common credit system, so-called European
4) to promote European cooperation to achieve comparable levels of quality and methodology
5) necessary to promote the European dimension of the curriculum and this will facilitate the occupancy levels of EU citizens
6) that also promote the mobility of all segments of the university community.

Under the guise of "Bologna", the English and Catalan university authorities began a transformation in which this set of proposals designed to facilitate validation, reduce bureaucracy and consolidate certain state of consciousness-European, which in turn promotes entry the student population at the workplace, has become the pretext for two types of modifications. Apparently they are both hygienic and is wielded as modernization movement, so their ideological background is often taken for indisputable, both in the exposure mode, more assertive than argumentative, and in the almost complete absence in their documents, and authorities invoke serious academic references.

The first modification involves the transport of the learning theories of childhood and adolescence to the world of adults who attend college, as evidenced by the "hand" used by the Ministry of Education and the university authorities Catalan plagued considerations and warnings own age prior to entry into adulthood. Given this trend minorization college students, we must remember that these are adults who vote, leading cars can be parents and are responsible for full, political and criminal, for their actions. Suddenly, from this translation, university life, or some of its members engaged in management tasks, has tended to support a surveillance model for students, who seem to become permanent wards whose psychological and social arrangements should be monitored and oriented toward the benefit of the group, be it whatever. That is not the only protection that is exerted on the university community, as a percentage of teachers in poor, in the case of Catalan universities reached outrageous levels, is limited due to the same precariousness, in its capacity rule openly about issues concerning the new assessment systems and curricula. It is symptomatic that the diversion of huge resources disingenuously to the management of "teaching innovation" and instead the non-tenured teacher is subject to conditions miserable wage and other labor of dubious legality, which require them to bear the same responsibilities The tenured. The quality of teaching, understood as a transfer would be complex and varied knowledge, is attained even though the university authorities, not because of them.

The second change has to do with a disturbing reduction in social perspective: our authorities wield the needs of "society" to celebrate the use of the vocabulary of the "skills" and "competence" and proclaim the withdrawal or relegation of the demanding world of "content." But "society" in this case, stands for "enterprise." A reduction in the grotesque, which we refuse, we owe the strong trend away from terms like "knowledge" and "study" between our university authorities.

Hence, they stress the "teaching innovation" as a mere "technical innovation" of the transmission. In

Indeed, the two changes its attachment are powerful instruments of control are advocated and put forward without any possibility of discussion. When it occurs the authorities or their spokespersons speak, so inquisitorial "resistance sneaky," "selfish", "suspicious", "less admissible" and also "double, individually or collectively, simultaneously or separately" ( sic): see brochure Universitat de Barcelona What is the European Higher Education Area? signed by José Antonio García Suárez.

Finally, note that the control has been joined in case of Catalonia, the granting or not teachers autonomic supplements, concession stands or can be left to foundations, corporations and private services and sometimes not subject to academic evaluation. This happens because the renewal of predoctoral fellowships from the Generalitat, the fellows are currently required to attend a three-day seminar organized by a private entity, or risk losing the renewal of scholarships.

The other instrument to bring the college is undertaking the reform of curricula, to offer reasons that job type, instead of ensuring the independence of universities regarding the development of their disciplines and modes access to special knowledge, subject to market demands. In the case of applied sciences with the natural complacency of the market itself.

For the humanities, without any urgent need, except a curious vocation imaginary submission to the "enterprise" that passes through lowering unnecessary content. Unnecessary, since the market usually comes to the humanities mediated by other social and educational agencies. In the latter case, one of the functions of the university should be directed to prepare graduates rigorous and reliable way to education and also to the activities of cultural management and editorial but without neglecting the proper scope of development in all areas and disciplines of the various resources of critical thinking and basic condition of citizenship in democracy.

This variety of functions is a crucial point that we can not abdicate in any case: to prepare graduates for work does not mean we give back to the "company", but, instead, offer tools to receive and incorporate the best, high and complex knowledge in specific industries. With these may be resolved, as free as possible, their relationship with society, a relationship that includes the inalienable right to work.

For all these reasons, the undersigned, maintain that to give a public commitment to the specific transfer of knowledge is dangerous slash fraud. First, because it cuts the right of students to receive and incorporate contrasting academic knowledge in each of the disciplines concerned.
Second, because it restricts academic freedom by reducing the importance of the content posted by the student, his know-how for the sake of a vague, unacceptable and totalitarian surveillance of his nature.


Nora Catelli (Universitat de Barcelona)
Monterde Antoni Martí (Universitat de Barcelona)

Friday, October 24, 2008

How To Get My Hair To Look Like Dahvie Vanity's

Before the contemporary era, the world had never witnessed such an intense movement of people who live, or so many encounters between citizens of different countries. The reasons for such movements of peoples and individuals are multiple. The speed of communication increases the prestige of artists and scholars, of athletes and activists for peace and justice into the reach of men of all continents. The current speed and ease of travel today is inviting people from rich countries to practice mass tourism. The globalization of the economy, meanwhile, requires its elites to be present in all corners of the planet and workers to move wherever they can find work. The population of poor countries by all means try to see what they've seen heaven in industrialized countries in search of decent living conditions. Others are fleeing the violence plaguing their countries: wars, dictatorships, persecution, terrorism. For all these reasons that motivate the population movements had become, in recent years, the effects of global warming, drought and cyclones that this entails. According to the High Commissioner for Refugees, for every centimeter rise in ocean levels, there will be a million displaced in the world. The XXI century is presented as one in which many men and women should leave their country of origin and adopt provisional or permanent status abroad.

All countries differentiate between their citizens and those who are not, that is precisely foreigners. Not enjoy the same rights or have the same duties. Foreigners have a duty to comply with the laws of the country in which they live, but not participate in management. The laws, moreover, do not say everything in the framework defined, fit the thousands of events and daily actions that determine the flavor that will have life. The inhabitants of a country always treat their associates with more care and love of strangers. However, they do not cease to be men and women and others. I encourage the same ambitions and have the same problems, except that, to a greater extent than the first prey of helplessness and distress calls are thrown at us. This concerns us all, because the alien is not only the other, we ourselves were or will be, yesterday or tomorrow, at the mercy of an uncertain fate: each of us is a foreign power.

for how we perceive and the other, the different, we can measure our level of barbarity or civilization. The barbarians are those who believe that the others because they do not seem to belong to a lesser humanity and deserve to be treated with contempt or condescension. Being civilized means not having attended college or have read many books, or possess a great wisdom: We all know that certain individuals with these characteristics were capable of committing acts of utter barbarism perfect. Being civilized means being able to fully recognize the humanity of others, even if faces and habits different from ours, namely put in place and look at ourselves and from outside. Nobody is definitely barbaric or civilized and everyone is accountable. But we now receive this great honor, we have a responsibility to step into a little more civilization. Tzvetan Todorov

, Prince of Asturias Prize speech 2008 Social Science

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Different Type Vignias

In a feverish state, Don Quixote de la Mancha faced the giants ...
There were only windmills. Lisandro Aristimuño

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Remember When Getting High Meant On The Swingset

Giants on the decline of neoliberalism

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Templates For Shoe Cake

Woody Allen Pedro Almodovar

What Does It Feel Like Strangled

What Turning

Look sharp, raw, so strong,
see what luck, cousin, what luck that
I stopped by to play the lottery
and touches ma know.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Wireless Headphones For Sansa


We turn
years old older with
But newer Every Day

Emily Dickinson

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is Lotion Good For Masterbaition

Years without euphemisms

I'm in the middle of this road so many crossroads
left behind,
already in the air spinning my
currency and that is what is

All the ups and downs of the tide, all measles
already spent,
I carry your smile like a flag,
whatever it is.

What has to be, that is,
and will not be for some reason,
not believe in the eternity of peleas, ni en las
RECIPES de la felicidad.

Cuando pasen mis receipt springs, la suerte y
Esté echad resting, target
yo en mi tu photo
billetes y que sea so that

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Homemade Plant Water System

That is over this case cracking de mierda de una puta time, please.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Orbital Filling Diagram For Bromine

Catharsis For Once Trabalhadores

And without money will find a way
Go To
service is committed, there will be trouble if he missed
Salary is little, not to give anything
Nor Unemployed gives
And like life follows without improving

Brazilian worker
Waiter, waitress, lawyer, bricklayer
Brazilian worker
works like ass and can not make money
Brazilian worker

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dark Spotting Week Before Period

For once in my life
I have someone who needs me Someone I've
needed so long For once
I Can Go Where life leads me
And somehow I know I'll be strong

For once I can touch 
What my heart used to dream of 
Long before I knew 
Someone warm like you 
Could make my dreams come true

For once in my life 
I won't let sorrow hurt me 
Not like it's hurt me before, oh 
For once I've got someone 
I know won't desert me 
'Cause I'm not alone anymore

For once I can say 
This is mine, you can not take it
As long as I've got love I know I can make it
For Once In My Life I've got
Someone Who Needs Me

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How Long Do You Get Your Meps Result For Hiv

In summers, nights and dreams

Last night I had a dream
and last night it was summer, oh summer
for an evil dream.

No songs reflecting difficult summers. Except this Silvio, of course. Most remember in Castilian often festive and vulgar. His chronic heat will not accompanied by things such as reflection. Actually any season. But it is as if the summer had been founded with strict hedonistic purposes. Alsogaray imagine anyone saying something like 'you have to spend the summer'?

And the issue is that it was easier to spend the winter. I do not know how much is real in the figures and statistics that make the unemployment, the 'strike' as they call it here, is at the highest levels of the last ten years. All I know is that all projects started from the back of Buenos Aires simultaneously collapsed within days. The newspapers for which he wrote left to pay and ask for more notes. The restaurant where bossa nova played on weekends with a cellist friend of musicians changed as thin, elastic sheath contraceptive (as defined by the RAE what one knows rather as a 'shell') and without warning. The award took him to the exhibition hall where she worked. Closed for the summer, also without notice, for 'lack of budget. "

And the company that contracted me I moved into a private museum dedicated to a Catalan painter whose name I do not remember. There I paid thirty percent less than what I did before. To tell people where the bathroom and forbid to take pictures. Sometimes I fantasize about what it would be if the painter in question, a man famously left-wing and Republican, to wake up and see what they have done on their behalf with great profit. The number of resumes that I sent to escape the cave will touch a hundred. The interviews do not exceed the fingers of the deft hand with which I write. The precarious conditions of the offers are quantitatively insulting. Will my slump that makes me think that not many people in this country who wants to work to emancipate university before thirty years?

For now, Mikele is convinced that I'm obsessed with the ephemeral and volatile things. My background gives me the right property. In less than two months, for various reasons that need not be published, lived in three different neighborhoods and apartments. And, apparently, I must continue yirando. Raval Sants and temporarily returned from a month ago in the Eixample. The term 'stability' is more suitable for some piece of literature of science fiction. You must return one of these days postmodern. Even for me not so much bad blood.

Mikel was right. In Rainbows is a great album. The songs that I like I look like a mature and adult blend the best of Pearl Jam. I talked awhile with Mikel the gmail chat. Go to Potosi on his journey through semi-plagiarism Motorcycle Diaries, though he insists he did not like that movie. 'Pure propaganda', he always says, very angry. I still do not quite know what. I miss Mike. And his followers too.

You see, the news report is not to throw butter at the ceiling, as we were * Bad * used. 'And the city now is like a plane / of my humiliations and failures', although instead of tangos have Radiohead in the background. Rereading old autobiographical think how fast the disappointments caused Barcelona to stop being a beautiful city exclusively. Some might say that the idea to reality is a stretch runs very painful one will allude to the considerable and things got considerably more difficult in recent months. On which are primary causes of course in people not born here.

For there eyes look out LSLS . Trouble sleeping in my warm arms. In parallel, both devote free time of summer reading famous French. And along the coast in this humid region. In the evening after work, go swimming to the sports center in her neighborhood. And now even gave us for taking the bicing . The Government will grant the award for most healthy and ecological groups in the region. Hoisted a list of phrases with which the rest of society ruthless and disproportionate attacks us. Among the most aberrant appear 'to go away to a hotel', 'you do not get bored never', 'You are the same', 'get out of Paris',' stop touching their genitals in public. " Apparently, neither the crisis proclaimed by the Minister of Economy and the list of grievances have changed our behavior too much.

But I'm angry. It is a tantrum, do not give me much ball. Since I just happen.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wisin & Yandel Jackets

La parole humaine est comme un Felé chaudron battons où nous des mélodies à faire danser les ours, quand on voudrait attendre les étoiles.

Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary

Monday, July 21, 2008

Claddagh Ring Meaning Wiki

Paroles Life Clarification

I think I never post so long without a post since this blog is a blog worth reading. I promise, as usual, a whole new autobiography, excluding dye cursilero my people so pleasing it would be like Mikel. Hugs to all.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Prevent Leather Shoe Creases

Our life is no dream, but you have to go sleep and perhaps will be.

Novalis, Germs .

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Disney World Leather Bracelet

Phone (II)

Chiquilín: Well, bye, love, kiss a penguin, and bumping his nose.
LSLS: is an Eskimo kiss, love. Ch
: That ...
LSLS: This could go to your blog, right?

Monday, June 23, 2008

How To Hack Internet For Sidekick 09

Love, love, love

a girl I'm wild about,
Every time I take her out
I hurry, I scurry, I worry so.
And we always can be found, 
where there's no-one else around
If I lost her, what a blow, I love her oh-wo-oh
Yes I love her in the morning and I love her at night
I love her, oh, I love her when the stars are shining bright
I love her in the Springtime and I love her in the Fall
But last night on the back porch, I love her best of all.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

5 Minute Funny Movie Speeches

Phone (I)

LSLS: How are you going to study, love?
Ch: Well, I'm with The Regent, love.
LSLS: Vos you have some of Pas.
Ch: Huh?
LSLS: What you you resemble Fermín de Pas, love.
Ch: is a cure, love.
LSLS: They say a good confidante, my love.
Ch: Ah ...